Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 62 - The day of 3s

August turned two months old yesterday. To thank me for being such a fantastic mother, he went four hours between feedings last night - that may sound like nothing to you, but that's the path to sanity for me. Thanks Augie!

Today he had his 2-month checkup with the pediatrician, and here's where today's title comes from: he weights 13 pounds and 3 ounces, and measures 23 inches. That's 50th percentile for height, 75th (or something) for weight. Just like his parents, he's a densicle. (Dense + popsicle = densicle).

When Dr. Altshuler checked today's weight against his weight at two weeks (8lbs 11oz), her response was "Oh my God!" (That's shock, in case the tone didn't translate). But it's not a surprise for Augie's parents - at his 5-day checkup, he weighed 7lbs 8 oz -- nine days later, at his 2-week checkup, he weighed 8lbs 11oz, a gain of a pound and three ounces. The doctor's response at that time was, verbatim: "I'm not saying it's impossible. But it's highly improbable." I take it all to mean I make some pretty potent milk.

In other proud-mama news, Augie didn't bat an eyelash when he get his first vaccination. Tough guy.

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