Thursday, September 12, 2013

9.5 months - My little napper

I still try to nap with Augie when I can - when the emails are written, the bills are paid, the phone calls are made, the house is in reasonable order. Sometimes I do it not because I'm tired, but because I want to lie beside my baby when he's quiet, when the house is quiet, when I have nothing to do but listen to him breathe and feel his tiny little presence resting beside me. Augie and I are together almost all the time - sometimes reading, sometimes banging on the drum, sometimes walking, sometimes doing different things in the same room - so it seems silly that I should follow him to the bedroom when nap time comes. But those few moments when our bodies rest together in the stillness of the day recharge me, and not just in my minute-to-minute, day-by-day life; they revitalize me as woman, mother, and human being. They fill my soul in the way that only things unspoken can.

And, it means that I get to have another wake-up with him, and waking up with Augie is wonderful....

Which reminds me of this great blog post that a friend passed along. Sometimes doing "nothing" is actually the most important thing you can do.

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