Friday, September 6, 2013

9 months - Gym time

Augie's been really cranky the last 2-3 days, which has manifested in a lot of yelling. A lot of him yelling. Not crying - just yelling. If anyone in our building - or the buildings out our bedroom window - didn't know we had a baby, they certainly do now. I know that he has at least one more tooth about to break through, but I'm wondering if maybe he has some molars mobilizing for their world debut. Or maybe he's just sick of New Jersey. Can't say I'd blame him.

This afternoon Augie and I took an intro class at a local kids' gym. He had an okay time - but he was tired and fussy (see first paragraph), so maybe we should give it another shot when he's feeling a little more rambunctious.

Doing his squat-stretch exercise to get warmed up:

Riding the technicolor inner tube:

Showing off his stair skills, maraca in hand (because who doesn't climb stairs with their maracas?)

Climbing across something:

Crawling through a tubey thing:

Emerging from the tubey thing:

 Catching bubbles (that thing on the top right is the tubey thing he's crawling through in the above pictures):

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