Friday, September 13, 2013

9.5 months - Mama naps, too

Augie has his first cold. I was going to write that Augie is suffering from his first cold, but that would be all wrong -- he hasn't seemed to notice it at all, even when he's blowing green snot bubbles out of his nose. He's mostly fine - just snotty and at times congested.

But he's also had a hard time going down for his morning nap recently, though probably for reasons unrelated to the cold (but unknown to me).This morning was no exception, and by the time I *finally* got him to sleep, I had moved through my own stages of frustration and anger (not at him, but at the situation) to arrive back at sympathy and love for my tired little boy. I stayed with him as he slept, partly because it felt like he needed me, partly because I knew I needed him (and a little extra sleep).

He ended up napping for 2+ hours, with a little wake-up in the middle. We rarely snuggle quite this close when we're all in the bed in the wee hours of the morning, so this was a beautiful, soft, sweet extravagance.

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