Wednesday, June 19, 2013

6 months, day 23 - I get around

Augie's mobility continues. No matter where we put him down, he's somewhere else when we pick him up. And he's played with his toys so much that he's ready for something new and exciting, so if he sees an object he could potentially pick up or chew on anywhere else in the room, he beelines for it.

Look at that cheeky smile:

He takes after his mama:

Seriously, he takes after his mama:

We didn't get around to doing much today, because we lost a lot of potential play time to a 2.25 hour nap (and yes, I do mean we: I joined him for the last hour and a half). But when we got up, we took the bus over to a park called Humlegården. Augie's newest skill is moving from a hands-and-knees tabletop position back into a seated position, and he loves doing it. He's also started flashing this half-smile at us; we think it means something like, "Um, Dad? You're crazy!"


  1. Good to see that grape juice is popular. You all look well, looking forward to catching up in July.

    1. The pediatrician warned us that juice wasn't a great choice for a young kid, but he just can't resist it.

  2. I thought you weren't going to give him a bottle!! Better wine than beer.
