Sunday, June 16, 2013

6 months, day 20 - Djurgården

Today we went to Djurgården, a big, beautiful park in pretty much the center of the city. We saw baby geese, baby ducks, baby swans, and baby cow-like things (not sure what they were, but they looked like a cross between a cow and an Ewok). We drank lattes and ate sweets at a charming outdoor cafe at the end of the island and let Augie wiggle around in the grass a bit. And a good time was had by all.

A little nap to start the adventure:

Hanging out at the cafe:

A little something to chew on:

Checking out the baby geese (those are geese, right?):

The weird face Augie makes as he rubs his lower teeth against his new upper tooth:

Practicing standing:

And for those of you wondering: yes, we spent quite some time planning the outfit. Can't you tell? It takes work to get that many stripey things that don't match on the same person.

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