Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 119 - What a day!

Let me repeat that: what a day!

After the best night's sleep we've had in a month, I woke up to this face:

Then we went to the pediatrician for our 4-month checkup and immunizations. Once again we got a big, "Wow!" from the doctor when she checked Augie's height and weight: he's now 26.5 inches long and weighs 16lbs 6oz. That's 90th percentile height, 75th percentile weight. Which is amazing, because two months ago he was in the 75 percentile for weight but the 50th percentile for height/length, so he's really shot up in the last two months. Go mama's milk!

And, once again he didn't even flinch when he got his immunization.

And if those two things weren't enough (a good night's sleep and a healthy, strapping boy), he amazed me this afternoon with his first solo rollover! I left him on the floor on his back while I went into the bedroom to get some socks, and I came back to see him on his side and then plunking down onto his tummy! (In the video the other day, he used my finger to pull himself over). And I tell you, he already seems very eager to crawl.

Can someone push pause?

By the way, the winner of the picture of a cat doing yoga is no one, because not a single person wagered a guess about Augie's height and weight. That might be because you haven't ever met him, or only saw him when he was a few weeks old - but not having any information has never stopped me from making wild assertions and having opinions. Please, leave comments!


  1. what a very cute face! congrats on all the measurements and moreso, the SLEEP! woohoo!!

  2. I would have guessed but I'm behind on the blog, having been out of town. Congrats on the growth!
