Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 116 - We're going places

I'm happy to report that last night was the best we've had in a week. (Thank goodness, because yesterday was the worst I've had as a mother, ever). We still got up every 3-4 hours, but that's better than every hour.

At one of his wake-ups last night, after feeding him, he wouldn't go back to sleep. So he just played around in the bassinet - and then I realized that he was rolling from side to side, practicing turning over! Eventually he stopped moving and I looked over to see what was going on - he had fallen asleep on his side! This guy is so into developing his skill set that he practices in his sleep.

I am thrilled to report that today was a great day in Augieland, and all that practice is paying off. Look what Augie can do (note: I was the camerawoman and the playmate, so the video isn't great) -

I suspect he'll still be up practicing tonight, going for the unassisted rollover. And then he has to learn the front-to-back maneuver. So we likely still have some low-sleep nights ahead, but now we're getting somewhere.


  1. Oh wow, that's so funny because Jonah rolled back to tummy for the first time yesterday too! Your video is way better than ours, but I still watched it (K took it) about a dozen times while at the office. Congrats Augie!

  2. i want to hear about your worst day as a mother! is that terrible that i want to hear about that?! xxxoo
