Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 101 - Enjoying the weekend

I think Augie might be teething. It's quite early for him to be teething, however, so maybe I'm entirely wrong. But here are my supporting reasons, all of which have appeared within 3-4 days of each other:
  1. he has started sucking on his bottom lip, running it over his gums
  2. he has begun what they call "biting behaviors" on my nipple while eating
  3. when I turn him sideways to eat, he often gets very upset and refuses the nipple if he doesn't immediately latch on
  4. he used to wake up only once per night; recently he's been waking up 2-4 times per night, and when he does, it's with a particular urgency
  5. he has started chewing on his tongue
  6. he's sometimes crabby, which is not normal for him
Other parents: if that's not teething, what is it??

Onto the good stuff. We awoke to blue skies and warm temperatures, and Augie surely knew it was a harbinger of spring. He's very excited to start getting dirty outside when it's warm enough.

Please forgive me, as not all the pictures are in focus because this guy is constantly moving.

We went walking in the afternoon. I think James mixed up whose hat belonged to whom (don't worry, after the photo op we figured it out):

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