Friday, August 14, 2015

Leif at 10 months

While James has been away, the boys and I have slipped into a lovely rhythm, sleeping late in the mornings, getting August off to school, spending quiet time around the house, and being outdoors after pickup. I've even managed to figure out how to get Leif into the baby carrier on my back all by myself for our evening walks. The bedtime routine has been anything-but-lovely, though, as suddenly this week Leif is having lots of early wakings (but his sleep the rest of the night has been great). I think 9:30 is the earliest I've gotten them both sent off to sleep. It'll be nice to have reinforcements with us tomorrow - James is coming back!

I've been wanting to do individual posts about the boys, but haven't had the mental energy to get them up. Let me try now...

These photos are from a couple weeks ago, when Leif made ten months. At ten months he can stand fairly well without holding on to anything and he's just started cruising on furniture. He babbles with a lot of ma-ma-ma and da-da-da and especially ba-ba-ba. All of our neighbors remark on how happy he is, greeting everyone with a smile. I've been using (very basic) sign language with him, and in the past week it *seems* like he's starting to sign back, things like all donemore, and waving hello and good-bye. (I've added in some other signs like airplane and boat and dog, and August seems to enjoy using those.)

We didn't quite figure out the framing here, did we?

His seventh tooth broke the gums a week or more ago and I think he has another on the way out, so he'll have all eight of his front teeth very soon. He loves to clap and play in the water table. He eats everything, copiously. Often, as soon as I start to set the table for a meal, he'll crawl to his chair and wait - though not so patiently, he usually screams to be fed.

Look at these photos of August at 10 months! Can't you see how cheeky he is?

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