Sunday, May 18, 2014


Augie survived his first camping trip. Much to my surprise, so did I. We think he loved it - being outside, exploring a new place, riding in his hiking backpack. He spent most of his time playing in the car, which gave us time to set up camp and relax a bit while he played with the wheel, turned knobs, pushed buttons, readjusted mirrors, etc. He probably could have spent every waking moment exploring the inside of the car, but lucky for us he came out every now and then to see what we were up to and have a sip of James's beer (it took about seven sneaky sips for James to learn his lesson and store the beer somewhere out of reach).

It was really cold last night (just a bit above freezing), but Augie snuggled into me for warmth after a midnight awakening (after which we thought he'd never go back to sleep) and slept through 'til morning. He even slept later than he normally does, thank goodness. I awoke a bit before him and saw the sun, which had just broken the ridgeline, shining on his little sleeping face. Sigh...

Now, we can't wait to go again.

Here's a sneak peek at some of our weekend photos, with more to come.

Augie has only been in this backpack once, for about fifteen minutes nine months ago, but as soon as we put it on the floor he climbed right into it! 

Settling in (before we got the rain fly properly set up):


Baba goofing around:

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