Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunshine baby

Tomorrow is a very big day for Augie (and for Mama) - he's starting preschool/daycare! We got a short-term spot at a bilingual preschool just 10 minutes away, and we'll start tomorrow morning. We think he will go 3 days a week, for about 6 hours a day. I am so excited for him! He's going to have all sorts of experiences that he just can't have with me at home. He'll have new toys, new friends, new foods, new adult caretakers, new experiences. We are so excited to see what kinds of changes this brings about in him (Will he start using words now? Will he accelerate his potty training? Will he start napping without nursing to sleep?).

To ease the transition (for all of us), the daycare requires that one of us be with him for the first three days he's there. Can I tell you the truth about this? I think Augie will be fine; I think it will be much, much harder for me. I have spent nearly all day every day for the last 14.5 months with Augie at my side. It's hard to let go. It's hard to imagine not having him - his smile, his laugh, his dance moves, his kisses - with me all day. Oh, I think this is going to be great for him, and it's coming at a time when he needs this socialization; and it's going to be fantastic for me to have some time for myself; but it's also going to be very hard to drop my little boy off and not see him all day! (And when we go back to Princeton, I'm going to lament the loss of my newfound freedom).

Wish us all luck tomorrow.

Wonder of wonders, we woke up to a blue sky this morning! Before it had a chance to cloud over (which, of course, it did), we got our winter gear on and went outside to play. We had so much fun running and jumping and spinning and laughing. I think Augie did, too - what do you think?

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