Wednesday, February 19, 2014


The other day we looked at our credit card bill from our time here in Stockholm and did a double take. Then we did some figuring, and realized that we're spending about $2000 a month on food. To clarify: on groceries -- that doesn't even include the few times we've gone out to eat. And we're only buying organic about half the time, and we're buying slightly smaller quantities than we did back in the US. Stuff here is expensive.

But then yesterday I did some more figuring, and realized that having Augie in daycare/preschool for up to 30 hours per week is costing us something like $85 per month. PER MONTH. And that includes a meal, a snack, and diapers every day!

And then, after a phone call to the social services agency, we learned that we still get a full 480 days of parental leave for Augie. Even though he was born 14.5 months ago in another country, we can still take 480 paid days off to be with him. (I will get the minimum benefit, as I've never worked in Sweden).

And healthcare? Mostly free. The max you can pay out-of-pocket per year is about $175. No matter what happens.

On to what you came for: the pictures. Looking through my camera tonight, I found some selfies the boys took. I find Augie's face in the first two fantastic. And I find the fact that he managed to take the second two astounding!

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