Saturday, January 11, 2014

Djurgården in winter

We woke this morning to snow blanketing the ground and swirling in the streetlights. Well, actually, we woke to a baby in our bed blowing raspberries and rolling back and forth giving us kisses, but that's how we usually wake up. We don't usually wake up to a winter wonderland. So we put on our boots and headed out to one of our favorite spots from the summer (see here and here) - Djurgården, a park that sprawls across the city. We'd hoped to let Augie run around in the snow for a while, but after his first fall, he had a realization:

I can eat this stuff!

And that's just what he did. We'd put him on the ground and he'd immediately sit down and start munching:

We didn't so much mind him stuffing his face with snow, but we did worry that he'd get frostbite, so we got him off the ground and started walking. So many people were out - it seemed that the snow was an invitation to play, to move, to get some beauty out of the grey winter.

We wandered past a snow-covered formal garden, made cozy with lights:

And stopped to check out the view looking back toward the city (the heart of downtown isn't in the photo):

Augie got hungry for something more substantial than snow:

And then Mama and Baba found an inviting cafe and stopped in for warm drinks and sweet treats. Cafes, shops, restaurants and businesses often have a candle or a fire lit outside to let you know they're open. It's a welcome invitation.

It's gotten colder here in Stockholm, so we're going to have to cuddle up to stay warm this week. 

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