Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cozying in

Our downstairs neighbor, mother of three young children, took pity on us and our flimsy New Jersey stroller blanket, and she offered us this one:

Thank goodness she did! It's so cold here and Augie's little tootsies were probably freezing, even if we put him in two pairs of socks and one pair of boots and threw the stroller blanket over him. Now he has his own private traveling sauna.

Today we went to the migration board (Migrationsverket) for Augie and I to continue our applications for residence in Sweden. From what we understand we are entitled to them (as dependents of an EU citizen who is living and working here), but we still have to go through the whole application process. We had our photos taken for our ID cards today. In about 10 days they'll send us a letter with a decision, and our ID cards if we are found deserving. If not, we're accepting offers for warmer climes in which to spend the rest of winter... 

James is going on an overnight trip tomorrow, so it will be my first night and day alone with Augie in Stockholm. Here's hoping we get along just fine on our own. 

Oh, and after a little more investigation into Augie's mouth, we've discovered that he has five new teeth coming in all at once! Possibly more, but he never holds still long enough to really tell. After five months with no dental activity, he's really putting on a show now.

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