Sunday, July 14, 2013

7 months, day 17 - South Beara, day 2

For anyone who was wondering, my nipple is entirely healed and we're back to business at the milk factory. And I forgot to tell you that Augie has totally mastered cross-crawling, as well as half-walking crawling: one knee on the ground, the other leg with foot flat on the ground in walking position, plowing ahead. Will try to get video soon. He's also pulling up and standing on anything he can (and some things he can't), and has figured out how to get up stairs (or at least one stair). He never stops.

Today was another one of eating, walking, relaxing, and Augie-watching here at South Beara:

Dinner on the cottage terrace:

Giggles with Granddad:

Not so sure about the strawberries:

Quality time with Uncle Robert in the cottage:

Exploring the fields on our evening walk:

Can't wait to run around in the orchard!


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