Wednesday, July 24, 2013

7+ months - Adjusting

Where's Augie?

There he is!!!

Sorry we've gone absentee lately. The last few days have been crazy with unpacking, babyproofing, laundry, errands, bills, phone calls to customer service, and on and on; in addition, Augie has decided that he only needs 30-minute naps during the day, which means that Mama doesn't get a break until the evening, when my body thinks it's five hours later than the clock says it is, and even hauling myself to the couch to watch trashy vampire shows is a monumental effort. Many thanks to Baba, who has been handling the 3am wake-ups (until the 5am naps).

Augie is actually doing very well with the time change and jet lag. We all still need adjusting, but the little trooper is doing his best to slide back into an east coast schedule. Though maybe I shouldn't have taken him to music class less than 24 hours after we'd returned to New Jersey, because while at first he seemed to love being around his old baby friends, when all the mamas started singing, he completely and totally lost it. Tears, screaming, body shaking. If it hadn't been so adorable, my heart wouldn't have melted so much. 

However, at library story time today, he gave a girl baby a big, fat, open-mouthed kiss. So I guess he's getting back in the groove.

Posting may still be spotty for the next few days as we all continue to get readjusted and I finish all my mama and wife chores.


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