Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Back home from England

We returned yesterday afternoon from our week-long trip to England. The boys had so much fun running around and riding on the tractor with Grandad, and eating lots of yummy food. Here are a couple pics from our week, with more to come:

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Our first summer camping trip in 2016

We just did a quick overnight camping trip about an hour's drive from our house and we had a GREAT time. The boys loved every minute of it and found all sorts of games to play in the tent and with a big rock. I can't wait to go again.

Our spot was right by a little beach, all set up with a fire ring and makeshift benches.

This little boy is such a heartbreaker (breaking my heart, that is).

He really wanted the camera, and he really wasn't going to get it.

James, relaxing (he doesn't do that very much).

Blueberry picking, of course.

(I know, his hair needs a trim.)

Dancing in my lap!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Baba days

Some cute photos James has taken with the kids lately. 

Blueberry picking:

Friday, July 1, 2016

Listening to music

A few days ago August asked to listen to music with his headphones. He loved it! He's getting good at identifying The Beatles when he hears them on the radio now.