I'm a little late (two weeks, which means he's more than halfway to nine months), but here's a little update on Leif at eight months.
First, I'll confess that I'm embarrassed that I got his age wrong on the blocks! I took all these pictures and then realized I had the '7' instead of the '8'; it was such a hassle doing this on my own that I couldn't bear to set it all up again when I looked at the pictures and realized my mistake (you can see the '8' in the background, far left, of the first, third, and fourth pictures). I got it right once (second picture), though.
Leif continues to creepy-crawl around the house. He's taken a few cross-crawling steps here and there (pushed up on his hands and knees instead of inching along on his tummy) but isn't doing it consistently. He's pulling up to standing frequently, if not easily. He loves to eat, and his favorite food is anything you put in front of him (except avocado, he wasn't such a fan of that). He usually just keeps eating if we keep putting food in front of him.
He's babbling away, smiling most of the time, curiously watching his big brother buzz about. They love to bounce on the bed together (well, my arms do the bouncing for Leif). August shows more and more interest in Leif, sometimes giving him toys, hugging him, or bending down to tell him things.
Perhaps the best news of all is that the sleep is much, much better now. We started changing his diaper overnight (he can make it through the night in one diaper without peeing out), and he's no longer waking so frequently in the morning (used to be every hour from 3 or 4am on). The biggest change is that I'm not sleeping in the same room with him anymore, and for his first wakeup of the night, James goes to him. Within two nights of doing this, we went from him waking 1-4 times before midnight to him sleeping until 4am without needing a feed! Now, instead of 4-6 (at least) wake-ups a night, we're down to 1-3.
I'm sure there's so much more to tell you, but I can't think of it right now. And, instead of falling asleep, Leif has spent the last hour practicing standing up in his crib, so it's time to work some mama magic and get this kid to sleep.