Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 63 - 9 Weeks

Augie made nine weeks today - he just keeps getting older. Today I want to share some of his recent developmental milestones.

Beginning around seven weeks, Augie found his hands - or, more precisely, his mouth found his hands. By about eight weeks, he could fairly reliably get a hand to his mouth when he wanted to suck on something (we've avoided using a pacifier so far). Apparently, in baby land, putting your hand in your mouth is a big deal.

In the last week or so, he has begun making a clear effort to reach objects. I won't say he's grabbing things, because each reach is met with a varying degree of success. He usually just bats in the general direction of a hanging object, often hitting it, rarely grabbing it. Today I held a small plastic ring in front of him, and he locked eyes on it. Then he reached out and grabbed it! Granted, I was holding it about two inches from his hand to give him a head start, but he got it in his hand and then waved it around a bit.

I can't really say whether all this was on purpose, but I did take a picture.

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